
Manager & Curator Maya Hirschman talks up the Museum in this week's "Our London"

In case you missed the story in this week's Our London, reporter Whitney South spent some time visiting the Museum and interviewing Manager and Curator, Maya Hirschman.  You can read the full article online.

Imagine helping to save the world — and having to keep it a secret for 50 years.

But more than a story in an old spy novel, this was reality for thousands of men and women working behind the scenes during the Second World War. Groups of radar mechanics and operators, physicists and researchers, working to protect soldiers abroad, all in complete secrecy.

These days, their stories live on at the Secrets of Radar Museum, here in London.

For curator Maya Hirschman, nothing is more important than getting the chance to share those stories with a new generation.

“These were Canadian men and women, from all walks of life, who never expected to end up doing top secret work,” she explained. “Like spies and codebreakers, they promised their silence, and their reward was that the official history completely forgot about them.”

Cold War Radar in Canada: We want to hear from you!

Did you, perhaps, serve on one of Canada's three radar defence lines?  We'd love to hear from you.  We want to build our oral history library and permanent collection to include your experiences and artefacts.  Get in touch!

Unissued / unused material. Radar Station in Northern Canada. Travelling shot across snowy countryside. Various shots of the radar station and surrounding building. Various shots radar aerial operating. CU radar screen in operation. MS operators at control panel. CU Radar screen. CU radar location chart, pan down to operations tables.

A silent glimpse into RCAF Station Foymount in 1955. 

The early Pine Tree Line stations were more or less modelled on British WWII radar stations.  A number of our membership served on these Cold War era stations and are more than happy to talk about their experiences when they're volunteering around the museum.