
Welcome Back! We've Missed You!

Coronavirus Instagram Post, Coronavirus Instagram Post, COVID-19, coronavirus, virus, prevention, health, epidemic, instagram post, instagram, yellow, if you are sick, disease prevention.png

Well hello there! It certainly feels like years since we last greeted you in person, but we’re excited to welcome you back to the museum on Saturdays, 10AM-4M, starting July 18. We’re following the advice of public health authorities and guidelines offered by the Ontario Museum Association in order to help ensure your visits are enjoyable, educational and, above all, safe. As we re-open SORM to the public, we ask you to work with us to keep the museum a safe place for yourself, for all visitors, and for our volunteers by carefully reading these guidelines.

Guidelines for Visiting SORM

1. If you feel unwell, or have recently travelled abroad, please stay home!

2. All staff, volunteers, and visitors must wear a mask or face shield and respect social/physical distancing. Some exceptions for masking apply:

  • Children under two years of age.

  • Persons with an underlying medical condition which inhibits the ability to wear a mask or face covering.

  • Persons who are unable to place or remove a mask or face covering without assistance.

  • Additional accommodations in accordance with the Ontario Human Rights Code will also be considered.

3. The museum floor is marked with direction arrows. If not taking a guided tour, please follow them.

4. Hand-sanitizer is available for use at the museum, but remember that this is a museum and unless expressly permitted, for your safety and the care of our collection, please don’t touch the artefacts.

5. In order to preserve a 2m physical distance, we have a strict visitor capacity. You may be asked to wait outside. Please be patient.

The safety of our staff, volunteers, and visitors is our top priority. We thank you for your patience and understanding as we continue to monitor the situation closely and adapt our precautions as required.

Update on Temporary Closure to the Public

Left: Coast Defence gun-laying radar, Newfoundland, c.1945.  Simpson Collection, SORM Right: Unknown man in bed with a dog, Marble Island radar station, 1943-4.  Chown Collection, SORM.

Left: Coast Defence gun-laying radar, Newfoundland, c.1945. Simpson Collection, SORM
Right: Unknown man in bed with a dog, Marble Island radar station, 1943-4. Chown Collection, SORM.

A message from the President.

May 27, 2020

We at the Secrets of Radar Museum sincerely hope you’re doing well during these challenging times. The SORM Board of Directors feels it is important to communicate and update our members and supporters on our status as the pandemic runs its course.

The situation is generally looking positive for Ontario’s re-opening, but at this time it is not possible for the Secrets of Radar to comply with the requirements for the Stage 1 re-opening. Masks are still in short supply and sanitizing the sensitive vintage and historic artifacts after each visitor is simply not possible.

The Ford Government has, as of today, extended the Emergency Orders to June 9, limiting public gatherings to 5 people. Should there not be a second wave, we hope we can find a way to open in stage 2. This is projected to be in two to four weeks. Our partners, too, are affected by the rules around re-opening. The 427 Wing and LARC are evaluating the situation and we are working together to devise an appropriate, measured course of action.

We remain very active, applying for grants, looking after the collection, and producing new social media content regularly. Many of you have visited our new YouTube page to view our #MuseumFromHome videos ( and engaged with us during Museum Week, giving us great feedback and support. You can expect to see more new content in the days to come.

As a way of supporting us, please consider renewing your membership early!

Stay Home, Stay Well. See you soon!

Steve Bourdeau

President, Secrets of Radar Museum

Social Distancing due to COVID-19

We have been monitoring the ever changing situation with COVID-19.

Canada's Chief Public Health Officer, Theresa Tam, has called for social distancing and a ban on public gatherings to stop the development of new cases. Canada is hunkering down for 3 weeks. Many public institutions, arts and culture organisations, and businesses have drafted new policies aimed at protecting their employees and safeguarding their ability to function. After consulting with our partners on site, the 427 Wing and LARC, the Board has made the decision to temporarily close SORM to the public until further notice.

Click here for more information about social distancing and “flattening the curve”.

Thank you for your continued support. Stay healthy!

Steve Bourdeau,
