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Our President's AGM 2018 Address

Grand Reopening, September 16, 2017.                                         &n…

Grand Reopening, September 16, 2017.                                                      Photo: C. Lippert

Dear Members, Staff, Volunteers, and Sponsors,

On behalf of the Board of Directors of the Secrets of Radar Museum I extend warm greetings to you all. It is with deep and sincere gratitude that I thank you for your ongoing commitment to keep the museum and the incredible story it tells alive. Since taking over from past president Mr. Peter Garland, I have learned a lot about the very slim margin upon which we stake our existence. I have learned that through sheer will and determination we can persevere and continue to tell our story. The going can be very tough for a small museum, but I have seen camaraderie, collaboration, cooperation, generosity, patience and understanding from all of you. For that I am grateful. We could not exist without all of those positive attributes which you have shown us in spades.

The 2017-2018 Fiscal Year saw us faced with the loss of our home and the Herculean task of moving an entire museum. Though the generous support and volunteerism of members of The 427 Wing of the Royal Canadian Airforce Association and the London Amateur Radio Club, we were able to move into our new location. We are looking forward to building on the synergy of being in an aviation district with several like-minded museums and groups. Early signs are promising as our number of visitors has increased in the first months of 2018 over last year.

Through financial support from the London Heritage Council we received funding to develop a new strategic plan. The Board of Directors put in the overtime needed throughout the longest and coldest winter in recent memory to collaborate and set a path forward that will see the museum continue to develop, modernize, focus, and become more accessible. Our hope is to find others who share in our vision who can make contributions as museum members, board members, and sponsors to help us achieve our short and long-term goals.

Together we have survived a very challenging year and it is my pleasure to continue to work with you and for you toward a brighter future.

volunteer of note winter 2016.jpg


Corbin Lippert, President


Thank you Volunteers and Staff!

On August 29th, we celebrated our marvellous Volunteers and Staff and were astounded by the amazing turn-out.  Sometimes we forget how many of us are invested in the life of this museum and it's important to recognise everyone who makes an impact.

Many thanks to the incomparable Brenna Ardiel, our phenomenal summer Museum Assistant and Interpreter, for planning and organising our first Volunteer and Staff Appreciation Luncheon. Thank you to everyone who helped out with the barbecues (Corbin and Don) and side dishes, to Kathy for assisting with the decorations, and to everyone who came out. Brenna's experience with us was made possible by Canada Summer Jobs in Heritage.

Many thanks to Evelyn Hayes, our Summer Experience Program student, who has worked on creating a new vision for our old exhibits. Next time you're in, check out her Teletype Machine display and activity.

We're delighted to announce our Summer Volunteer of Note is Sunny Kim, who has put in an enormous amount of time and effort into digging into the collection backlog.

Below are some photos from the event, courtesy of Kathy Kozell.